The PRIDE Reading Program?

Why Choose PRIDE?

What is the PRIDE Reading Program?

At PRIDE we value each of our students individual learning styles. The PRIDE Learning System is research-based and creates independent and confident students. PRIDE Reading Specialists tap into each child’s learning style through our multisensory program by including touch, vision, kinetic and auditory elements. At PRIDE we are proudly committed to each student, each family, and each outcome.

PRIDE students become independent readers and enthusiastic lifelong learners. With PRIDE you will see:

  • Improved Reading
  • Increased Self-Confidence
  • New Found Motivation For Learning

How The PRIDE Reading Program Works?

To teach a struggling reader, we begin with recognition of the letters, the sounds of the letters, and the sounds of letter combinations (phonemes). Our structured program is structured, systematic and cumulative. This means that, like a pyramid, the base must first be strong enough to support the entire structure. After our students receive a strong foundation, they are able to recognize words using the skills we teach.

The final element of the PRIDE System is that we act to increase intrinsic motivation and resultant self-esteem with every second of interaction. This means that our students feel approval and accomplishment because they know we like them — and admire their efforts and their perseverance. Every student at PRIDE becomes a reader.

To Learn More and Get Started, Give PRIDE A Call:  1-866-774-3342

PRIDE Reading Specialists

PRIDE Reading Program

PRIDE Summer Program

“Pride Learning Center has made such a huge impact on my family, I feel forever indebted and incredibly blessed to have experienced it. My daughter exhibited all the signs of a learning difference, but her schoolteachers were clueless, labeling her as lazy and inattentive. Pride’s website helped to identify my daughter’s specific learning issues. Working with Pride’s team of gifted tutors allowed her to regain confidence in her ability to perform schoolwork. She enjoyed every minute at PRIDE and always looked forward to her lessons.” Read More

PRIDE Parent, Manhattan Beach, Ca

“Our daughter Brianna came to Pride when she was struggling with reading during 1st grade at our local public school in West Los Angles. At that point, she was near the bottom of her class and hated to read. After working with Pride’s excellent tutors and staff, Brianna is now ahead of her peers and, more importantly, enjoys reading. Brianna also looks forward to attending her Pride tutor sessions and is proud of her accomplishments. We are lucky to have found Pride when we did, and I would highly recommend its program.”

PRIDE Parent, Los Angeles, Ca

“Excellent Program. I do Psychoeducational and Neuropsychological Assessments. I have seen a lot of progress with the children that have gone through Pride’s program. It is a great resource that specifically addresses reading difficulties with a multi-sensory approach. It is also important that the people giving the services are well-trained. I highly recommend Pride.”

– Dr. Abbe Barron, DMD PhD, Los Angeles, Ca


Contact PRIDE Today And Get Your Child On The Path To Success!